Bed Head: The Hairs Take Off
Superhero Hairs Unite!
As we were receiving and celebrating our printed copies of Bed Head: A Hair-Raising Adventure in 2019, Pablo’s son was diagnosed with Alopecia. Alopecia occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles, leading to permanent or temporary hair loss. Imagine illustrating a children’s book all about hair just as you are learning that your child will experience hair loss. Meanwhile, I was also watching a family at my son’s school battle pediatric cancer resulting in hair loss through chemotherapy treatments.
As a result, I began thinking about hair from the perspective of children who experience hair loss. It suddenly hit me. We had to make a second book because there was another story that needed to be told. Pablo was eager to collaborate because representation of kids with hair loss in children’s book is limited.

Bed Head: A Hair Raising Adventure
What happens to your hair at night!
Inspired by my experiences as a mom, Bed Head: A Hair-Raising Adventure is a tale that children, parents, teachers and caregivers will find relatable. We’ve all woken up with a bad case of bed head at some point in our lives. Bed Head is the story of what happens to your hair at night while sleeping. It’s quite an adventure!
Like many children, my kids, particularly when they were younger, were not big fans of hairbrushes. It was often a challenge to get them to brush their locks, even when they awoke with hair sticking up in all different directions. In fact, many of the lines from this story are actual words that came from conversations with my kids about their bed head.

Holly Becker
About The Author
A writer for local magazines, newspapers, and business and social media sites for more than 15 years, I’ve always wanted to publish a children’s book. Bed Head is the fulfillment of that dream. I’m a mother of three children (13-year-old boy/girl twins and a 11-year old son). After my children were born, I became particularly fascinated with children’s literature. I love reading books to children and marveling at the creativity of picture books, both the imaginative storytelling and vivid illustrations.

Pablo Agurcia
About The Illustrator
(Hi! Pablo here) Born and raised in Honduras, I’ve been drawing, doodling, sketching and painting most my life. Although I grew up imitating and aspiring to the art of comic books and animated TV shows, I’ve always found such quiet and complex beauty in children’s picture books. So much has to be told with so little, and it has to be told well to keep the imagination and attention of kids. I have two children of my own (a three-year-old girl and a one-year-old boy) who I use as excuses to collect more and more children’s books so I can selfishly enjoy the amazing art and storytelling. Having a chance to illustrate Holly’s amazing story and read them a book with my own art is a lifelong dream I hope you can help come true.